Hey mama, it’s been awhile since I’ve taken a minute to post, but what better time than a global pandemic to really take some “me” time? And by “me” time I mean “I’ve locked the door and nobody can get in, even if they’re yelling my name.”
Me time is likely not at the top of your “Can Do” list this week and I get it. But while we’re all sort of figuring out what our new normal looks like for the foreseeable future, I think it’s important to not lose our ever-loving minds by going into a panic and transmitting that onto our kids. I know it’s not easy, especially if you’re barely keeping it together on a good day and now school is closed and your job isn’t a flexible one and everyone inexplicably bought up all of the toilet paper and now you’re going all Bear Grylls and using leaves. I see you, mama.
I also know that one of the surest ways for me to feel isolated and scared is to be disconnected. So while we’re all needing to be smart and thoughtful and not hang out with each other in person right now, that doesn’t mean we can’t still connect with one another. We can show our gratitude for being among those who can and go do right now - not only so we can get accused of virtue signalling, but because it's the right thing to do. And selfishly? It'll make you feel better.
Not only will we be able to help those in need within our own community, but we can also teach our kids the valuable lesson of connection and community at a time when it can seem like neither is possible. Also? For the love of God, turn the news off and go outside for a walk.
Anyway. At the risk of going against everything I’ve ever said about curated content, I’ve attempted to put together some ideas of where we might be able to help both stave off anxiety and give to those who need it. I've used this below chart during times of increased anxiety and think it's an easy toll to practice and teach. Also, it's not mine, this is all borrowed from here:
It might seem cheesy, but I swear it works.
Next, I'm sure many of you have school-aged kids and their schools are probably scrambling to get you all materials for home-based learning in the coming weeks. That sounds like a lot of work and I do not envy the educators and administrators right now, but boy am I grateful for them! I'm also grateful for places like Scholastic, who have put together this free site with a ton of really useful resources for Pre-K through 6th grade. Click here for the free links and tools!
If you're looking for an immediate way to help give direct relief to those who need it most during this crisis, please check out the aptly named Direct Relief site.
Next, I mentioned earlier regarding the stockpiling of goods, it's been so intense that some food banks have seen a huge decrease in donations from retail grocery stores. So, Feeding America has set up a COVID-19 response fund, and is working to build an inventory of emergency food boxes to distribute to food banks as needed.
As we've all heard by now, one of the biggest populations at high risk of contracting the coronavirus are those 65 and older. Some Meals on Wheels chapters are keeping in touch with seniors at a distance through "telephone reassurance programs. To volunteer in your area, find your local Meals on Wheels provider here.
Stay healthy, mama, and please share your tips and tricks with me! I think I've got about 2.5 good days in me before I just scream "I don't care what people think of us, you have to get the hell out of the house before I burn it to the ground!
Or something less dramatic but with the same sentiment. Help a mama out!